nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #14


“Now lad, chop up those logs by the shed over there please. Then stack them neatly in the wood store there. They’ll need to dry out before winter. A cuppa when you’ve finished and I’ll give you your advance.”

It sounded easy to Rufus but in fact there were more logs than he’d bargained for. It was close to 7pm when he finished, not realising that Marcus had been keeping an approving eye on him.

“Here’s your first fifty quid. Thirsty? Tea, or do you prefer beer?”

“Well what do you think!”

Beer it was... lots of it! A skinful.

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 8 years ago

    Okay, I'm all caught up now. Sorry for the delays. I have certain moments when I'm able to actually sit for a bit and read. And the frequency of those moments seems to lessen as the days go by.

    You've really piqued the curiosity with this one, Neville. Keep 'em coming!

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    I think maybe I should have learnt from you, Christopher. I prepared quite a lot of the story in advance so that I would be sure that it would work....but then I couldn't resist posting them! I should have drip-fed them a bit more to get a greater chance of other drablrs getting an opportunity of consuming them all. Maybe people got sick on the overdose! :-(

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    Christopher about 8 years ago

    It's been awfully quiet here recently. I think people have been dealing with other things, but they'll be back and I'm sure they'll catch up on it. If they don't I think they'll be missing out.

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