nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #8


Marcus opened the door carefully, took in the scene quickly, calling “What is this? What’s going on lads? Is this the way to impress me?”

”Yes it is, it really is” he muttered to himself.

The two floored youths were still recovering, while Rufus stood back, waiting for either or both to respond.

“Now who do you think I should hire then lads?

“Not that bleedin’ loony, for sure!” said a recovering victim.

“Rufus, it seems you need some anger management training”, said Marcus.

“OK, I’m going”, Rufus capitulated with a shrug.

“Going to get your things, lad, you’re hired!”

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    I have a few 'episodes' pre-written. Sorry if they're coming too fast! I've obviously got premature drablration. I need to get readers interested upfront.

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    Christopher about 8 years ago

    Premature Drablration? Ha-ha!

    Trust me, Neville, I'm probably a veteran by now when it comes to serialized drabbles, and you're doing just fine.

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Thanks a lot, Christopher. It's very much trial and error here!

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