nevillehunt avatar


As I stepped into the lift in top London ad agency, going up, there he was. Jack Wynne-Williams, mighty Chairman of "The Grocers of St James's", the agency that made the Mars Bar the behemoth it is today.

I was immediately overawed. Should I say something to the great man to 'make my mark', and what? "Morning, Jack", I started (first name terms... it was the ad business after all).

A positive grunt was his reply, followed by, "I like your tie!"


"Thank you!" Say no more, Nev! The boss just confirmed that in advertising, appearance is everything!

12 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Thanks Drew. It's all true, I was on cloud nine for weeks! (That's how trivial the ad business is! :-))

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    It was in the glory days of the business (not quite as far back as Mad Men though, Drew). Ties and natty suits, which was why blokes like me were called 'suits'. What a great job it was, fabulous lunches.... and the women!!! (off-limits for me of course as I already had the best one.)..and they paid you as well! :-)

  • avatar

    shaun about 8 years ago

    From a simple moment, an entire industry laid bare.
    Love the insight.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Thanks, Shaun.

  • avatar

    Christopher about 8 years ago

    I'd like to see this tie!

    Your story reminded me of a guy back in Liverpool named Gerry Marsden, who along with his brother had a band called the Mars Bars, but after complaints from that company changed their name to Gerry & The Pacemakers (and if I'm correct they're the second biggest group ever to come out of Liverpool. I wonder who the first was?).

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Gerry now lives in a big house in the posh part of the Wirral Peninsula where my wife hails from. You have to take the Ferry Cross the Mersey to get there (or the tunnel), so he went across in the world.
    Milky Way, to us, is the much inferior Mars Bar cousin, 3 Musketeers over your way, I believe.

  • avatar

    Christopher about 8 years ago

    That's interesting. I didn't know that they were the first group in England to hit number one with their first three singles. Even The Beatles can't make that claim. And it wasn't repeated again until the 80's with Frankie Goes To Hollywood, who concidentally were also from Liverpool. Must be something in the Mersey water.

  • avatar

    Christopher about 8 years ago

    And I see I misspelled coincidentally.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    You're starting to sound like a real Anglophile, Christopher!

  • avatar

    shaun about 8 years ago

    And I see I had to re-read concidently to realise it had been misspelt.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Don't you mean misspetl, Shaun.

  • avatar

    shaun about 8 years ago

    Of coarse.

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