nevillehunt avatar

Salcombe June 2016 #12


My first and second loves are my wife and my family. The third is here, as far south as Devon gets. If I told you how many years we'd been coming here annually you might realise I'm over 35.

I love it here; it's so beautiful. It's a long way from home and whilst I've been to many countries over the years, I bounce back here like I'm on elastic. I've done a lot this week and Salcombe has done a lot for me in return.

I never tire of any of my loves.

Same time next year? Can't wait!

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Frenchie about 8 years ago

    Thank you for writing this. I loved it. And I googled Salcombe. It is beautiful. Maybe I will visit on future holidays. It loos so nice and fresh.

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    Frenchie about 8 years ago

    darn the typos!!! I meant, it looks, not loos LOL

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Thank you too, Frenchie, for reading and commenting. Salcombe is very beautiful and it keeps enticing me back!

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    D.M. about 8 years ago

    I agree with Drew, since I also googled it! (Interesting crime took place there... another Drabble?)

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    There was a murder on one of the great walks a few years back...but are you aware of another, D.M.?

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