nevillehunt avatar


Basically a kind fellow, 'do as you would be done by', that's my motto.

This was tested when we spotted lots of small mice in our garden. I didn't want to share it with rodents, neither did my wife, although she thought them sweet. 'Sweet' meant "Be kind to them, Neville!"

At considerable expense I bought the kindest of humane mouse traps. With these I have rehomed many mice far and wide.

Word's got round the local rodent community that I'm a soft touch. A rat just peeped in at us through our French Windows.

No more Mr Nice Guy!

4 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 8 years ago

    You can't mollycoddle mice, Neville! Great drabble, my friend.

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    Thanks, Christopher. I now have to nail the beggars before the little-uns come round again. Kids have different attitudes to dead rodents!

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    D.M. over 8 years ago

    Time for a cat!

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    Michael D. Brooks over 8 years ago

    I agree with DM. Word will spread that a new sheriff is in town.

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