nevillehunt avatar

Nevilles Travails - Amsterdam #2


Russian emigrants bound for South America stopped off at this 1920's Amsterdam hotel. Medical check plus de-lousing at the Quarantine building next door and they were ready to be locked up at the Lloyd, before continuing the journey to their new world.

Now both hotel and 'cultural embassy', this Dutch design icon has been a refugee centre, detention centre and artist studio.

But beware all you peripatetic astrologers.... check your stars carefully among the galaxy on offer here. Choose a single star and your sentence will resemble solitary confinement. To plan your escape you'll need your cellphone. I know!

6 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    Thanks, Michelle. No, I've never been to Mexico...but I've drunk it's beer! And I make a real mean chilli! I've only ever been across to Chicago in N. America, which is wonderful! :-) I have quite a few more travel fact I just wrote two more travel-drabbles on the train back across the country a couple of hours ago. Finland this time. Will post later!

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    They're now posted!

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    Christopher over 8 years ago

    All this traveling makes me wonder if you're some sort of secret agent for MI6!

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    More like MI3 - the cheapskate version. In truth though, I work on EU-funded transnational projects and one or two others. Call me oh,oh, three and a half! Licence to travel, but I'd need the other three and a half to get the women too! Oh well, guess I'd better stick with the missus! It's nicer that way!

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    ...and safer!

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    Christopher over 8 years ago


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