nevillehunt avatar


National auditors rated Janey an 'outstanding' teacher. So why was the headteacher so keen on getting rid of her?

A campaign of harassment and bullying ensued. This head operated on fear. 'In the girl's face', undermining, telling her what she couldn't do. The serial bully is clever; striking daily without witnesses present. Others feared for their jobs.

Diagnosed as depressed, Janey eventually left the job. Started volunteering - the new school loved her!

Her crime? MS related disability... which she'd overcome to become 'outstanding'.

Not bitter, she has a new purpose. Mummy to Harry.

The headteacher?..... unlikely to be so fulfilled.

4 comments add one below

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    D.M. over 8 years ago

    Bullies in power; they like to climb ladders and tread hard on everyone in their ascent. Janey sounds much happier and that is the key.

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    Thanks D.M. She has moved on and brought herself and us great pleasure. She doesn't even think now of the three years bullying she was forced to endure. But in the UK bullying is rife in primary teaching. It destroyed her confidence but the volunteer teaching has more than restored it, thank goodness.

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    Christopher over 8 years ago

    Good for Janey. I'm glad she took the adversity in her life and turned it to her advantage. Thanks for sharing it, Neville.

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    Alex Munro over 8 years ago

    Never a truer word, my partner is a teacher and suffering at the hands of the education system presently. Well said Neville.

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