nevillehunt avatar


A good life. Dad tolerated me, making sure I was fed. I went wherever I wanted. Mum really loved me. I loved her back, even when she got fat!

So why have another cat? She couldn't do enough for it. Whenever it started to 'miao', she'd pick it up and fuss over it. I was ignored. Hated it!

Then it was given its own room, its own bed and much better toys than me. They closed its door on me.... not always though. Whenever I could, I crept in and crapped on its carpet. No more.... it's outgrown me now!

2 comments add one below

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    D.M. over 8 years ago

    cats will do that! (Hopefully the interloper is kind and doesn't chase it or pull its tail!)

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    The interloper is only 4 months right now, but I hope it will be kind, like its mum. On the other hand, even at 4 months it has already demonstrated quite a sense of humour by laughing at me, so who knows?

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