nevillehunt avatar

Nevilles Travails - Belgium


In Brussels for a workshop, our hotel in Place Rouppe was nothing special, but Papagayo (parrot) a restaurant across the square sporting two squawking parrots was terrific! First night we dined on the ground floor. The food – amazing, the price – brilliant and our waitress, the owner’s daughter Maude – lovely!

We returned next evening; same table, food, price, Maude, perfect!

Day three, accompanied by Finnish colleagues, we were sent to the top floor. Surprisingly, as we walked up, everyone we passed was a Village People lookalike!

We’d missed the Rainbow Flag but eventually got the owner's joke. Papa..gayo!

2 comments add one below

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    T. Willemann almost 9 years ago

    Laughing out LOUD!!!

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    D.M. almost 9 years ago


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