nevillehunt avatar

Nevilles Travails - Russia


We’d visited the fabulous fountains of Peterhof, the Czar’s Summer Palace. We returned to the city, having not eaten all day.

Searching for somewhere decent to eat, we stepped off St Petersburg’s Nevsky Prospect. Spying a fabulous canalside restaurant, we sat outside on the sunny side of the Moika. Eating stroganoff opposite the Stroganoff Palace, sipping our Russian champagne. Heaven.

Then two flashy cars raced up, stopped and besuited men leapt out, crowding round an older man and glamorous young woman. A gangster and his moll!

We paid up and left swiftly. (Wife ducking to prevent being caught in crossfire!)

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    Thanks Drew; that's really encouraging. I was concerned that perhaps they didn't have sufficient twist, subtlety or mental puzzle to engage anyone. But then my wife tells me to stop trying to be a clever dick!

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    D.M. almost 9 years ago

    'Enjoying these. (Now I have a serious craving for stroganoff.)

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