nevillehunt avatar


Romey was a traveller. Wanderlust in his genes, he could be seen tramping the highways and byways of rural England. An anachronism, with his possessions in a red and white polka-dot neckerchief on a pole slung over his shoulder, he was the wandering wind with a devil-may-care persuasion, accruing debts then moving on. Until he fell in love.

Julie was a bucksome lass of 19 when he bumped into her whilst escaping from a money lender. She followed him everywhere, eating pies to pass the time, until she became huge.

A tragic story. Romey owed and Juliet.

6 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    Thanks Michelle; glad you like it!

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    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    ...and thanks Anna Maria.

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    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    Sorry Drew...I should be ashamed of that!

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    D.M. almost 9 years ago

    It went down well with the morning coffee! Thanks.

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    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    You're welcome D.M.

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    Olga Klezovitch almost 9 years ago

    Good one!

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