morbidity avatar

Freestyle #4


As my gaze resurfaced into reality, a hurricane flickered to life in the back of my mind. It had been festering for weeks, waiting for the wind to stir it.

I blinked.

The rain started leaking onto my pillow. Softly pattering at first, until the howling storm welled up to its peak and came crashing down in waves of hail and lightning.

There was no refuge prepared for this storm, for there was none that could behold it. The wailing of thunder carried into the room and shook my house from its foundation.

There was nothing left in its wake.

2 comments add one below

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    Tyarra Ybarrola over 8 years ago

    Everything I write comes from a true place. I'll be fine as long as I can express myself in a creative manner :)

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    Jim M over 8 years ago

    Better out than in, as they say! Really really like the imagery here, it credits the narrative

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