mmilam avatar

Dan The Desperate Dater


I was told that I was lonely.

I was told that I was lonely and so I believed it. I was told that I needed a girlfriend to fill that loneliness and so I found one. Here's the problem: I don't want her anymore.

I used to love The Beatles "Here, There and Everywhere". I used to play it for her all the time in the morning before I left for work. As she chases me down alleyways with a knife, the song takes on a creepier meaning. Now I want her neverwhere.

I almost think she's near beside me.

3 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Welcome to, Matthew. Looking forward to following your work.

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    John Moralee almost 10 years ago

    Nice delivery of the final line. Good drabble!

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    Matthew Milam almost 10 years ago

    Thanks for the welcome guys.

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