miss_felony avatar


"Casey, please... darling why won't you come out? Tell me what's wrong..."

Blood was falling between pure white pillars, shaky, bruised up by last nights beating.

Casey crawled to the furthest end of her tiny bathroom. Resting her shaved head against a porcelain throne, she wondered how in the hell she was going to get out of this one.

On the ceiling, a dim light flickered on and off. Covered on the walls were the words, "SLUT. WHORE. FORGIVNESS. SINNER." Over and over again, like the whipping of a blade, the words struck her.


A bullet pierced the air...

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 10 years ago

    The ending is cleverly ambiguous, and there seems to be an incongruous relationship between the words scrawled on the wall. "Forgiveness" doesn't quite fit with the others--unless viewed in conjunction with the bullet piercing the air associated with the slut whore being forgiven for her sins by a gun-toting savior. Either that or I have read too much into it. Thumbs up.

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