miss_felony avatar


She held my hand as the last barricade fell down. Purity and Chasity cried out, lambs for the slaughter that we chose to free.

Why must the animals die by human hands? They have been loyal, they do not deserve death.

Massacre veiled in fog...

My Mother was beside me and all around us were generation after generation of my ancestor's ghosts.

Drumbeats rose from the west. The sun sank low, only torches were left to illuminate the sky.

Tears poured from the faces of men and boys, as they marched out to confront Goliath in the form of WAR.

2 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    "Drumbeats rose from the west. The sun sank low, only torches were left to illuminate the sky." - straightforward and extremely evocative prose. I admire your storytelling skills, Elizabeth.

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 10 years ago

    I like the last line. Goliath, it would seem, is eternal.

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