miss_felony avatar


Jackson got whoopings on Mondays to pay for Sundays crimes.

All the papers raged about how this was wrong. He ran away at the age of twelve straight into the white devil's arms.

He was hungry, stole some food, ruined his future...

See, when the officer beat him those same people cheered. Look at that little criminal getting what he deserves!

When he got out of juvy, and the principle at the alternative high school spat at him, it was alright.

And, when he hung himself on Sunday before The Lord, Jackson's mother was arrested for not sparing the rod.

3 comments add one below

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    Josh Peters almost 10 years ago

    Chilling and raw.

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 10 years ago

    You nailed it.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    A powerful, important drabble. You're perhaps the most pertinent writer here on drablr.com, Elizabeth.

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