miss_felony avatar


"Tell me you love me."

His words were not a desperate plea for affection, nor were they a declaration of undying love. It was simply a command.

His Soon-to-be-Wife stood hand in hand with him, as the Pastor poured holy water ontop their bowed heads.

Now anointed by a higher power and filled with pride, the Bride's vacant eyes drifted to the profile of her former lover seated afar.

Their love had been short lived and violent, now he was dead.

A ghost, she assured herself, swearing to love again, all stained cream dress and hopeless wishes.

2 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Absolutely love the closing line and that final parting image.

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    Bryan Thomas almost 10 years ago

    Always a pleasure to read your drabbles, Elizabeth.

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