miss_felony avatar


Idaho came crashing down with the birth of Janet. Molly, her mother, sighed as the little girl dismantled her magnets.

Her refrigerator door was covered in them: dead presidents, parts of the United States, charities, suicide hotlines, pieces of little jokes scattered here and there.

Now it was bare, so was the inside of it. Cash was thinner than the air, in a suffocating kitchen without A/C in the middle of July.

The desert stretched before them, deserted because of a year long drought.

But, at least Molly had saved her magnets and memories and mementos, if not the house.

4 comments add one below

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    Richard Charles Davidson almost 10 years ago

    Good job! Good drabble!

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    Bryan Thomas almost 10 years ago

    Hey! What have you done with Olivia?! ;o) Great stuff, Elizabeth.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Great concept, wonderfully executed.

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    D.M. almost 10 years ago

    'Really enjoyed this! The array of magnets provide interesting metaphors.

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