miss_felony avatar


Do you dream of me at night?
When the clock strikes midnight,
And all is calm,
And all is quiet,
Am I that girl you'd die for...?

Am I Beloved or simply a fling?
I gave you my everything,
And, you asked for nothing in return.
Less than nothing,
To you, the beautiful you,
I am simply dust...

To be swept away.
I love you.
I love you.

I loved you and it fell on deaf ears,
A cold heart,
Warm hands roam my body and mark...
Burned flesh.

I'm now incapable of anything but all consuming passion.

- Mark

3 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Loved this. Reminded me so much of, "Do you love me now?" by The Breeders.

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    Brandon Sutton almost 10 years ago

    Very good drabble! The emotions conveyed are almost palpable.

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    Bryan Thomas almost 10 years ago

    Very well written, Olivia.

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