mdbrooks41 avatar

The Premonition #14


He stretched again, swung his legs off his bunk, and prodded off to the bathroom.

Leahcim leaned on the sink, stared at himself in the mirror, and thought about how good it would be once this babysitting mission was over and he and his squadron could head back and rendezvous with their task force. It was a small price to pay for a respite from the war.

His thoughts eventually drifted to Markka. Though he was concerned about her, he was not worried. He had not heard from her since their conversation the day before. That in itself was calming.

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 2 months ago

    14 drabbles in and I just realized that name is Leahcim and not Leachim!

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    Michael D. Brooks about 1 month ago

    Ha! A lot of those who’ve read the series didn’t realize right away that the protagonist’s name is mine spelled backwards.

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    Christopher about 1 month ago

    I didn't realize that until just now either! I'm about as bright as a burnt out light bulb!

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