mdbrooks41 avatar

The Premonition #12


The talk with Leahcim and a satisfying meal was enough to calm Markka’s nerves. She slipped into a restful sleep free of any trepidations about their current assignment.

The next morning, Cora gently woke the lieutenant with a soothing wake-up tone of melodic chimes reminiscent of those often heard on Markka’s homeworld.

“Good morning, lieutenant. Did you sleep well?”

After a few pensive seconds, Markka said, “Yes I did. Thanks for asking.”

“You are welcome.”

Markka was surprised she felt none of the apprehensions she had before her talk with Leahcim. Maybe he was right. Her fear was unfounded.

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    But I suspect Markka’s fear was very far from unfounded🥴

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    Michael D. Brooks about 1 month ago

    Your suspicions are on the right track.

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