mdbrooks41 avatar

The Premonition #4


Leahcim placed an arm around his friend and tried to assure Markka her fear was unfounded.

“Hey, kiddo, things’ll be okay. You’re just experiencing some phantom PTSD symptoms. Wouldn’t you agree, Cora?”

“Yes, captain, I concur.” Cora’s disembodied voice, tinged with an air of quiet assurance, softly filled the room. “And I am not simply saying that because I am not a biologic. I do not necessarily share your innate ability to sense impending occurrences, but in this instance, I agree with the captain. We have nothing to be concerned about.”

“Despite that, I can’t shake the feeling,” Markka insisted.

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    Neville Hunt 3 months ago

    I reckon Markka (sounds like a Finnish name) is going to be right...

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