mdbrooks41 avatar


The hole he found himself in was deep, dark, and claustrophobic. He could not pierce the blackness of the darkness; it was blacker than the blackness of a darkened room enshrouded with thick black curtains at night with his eyes closed and the lights off.

The claustrophobia felt like a great weight pressing upon his chest in a deep sleep. A sleep so deep that it exhausted and weakened him as he struggled to barely take the shallowest of breaths against a force which threatened to collapse his lungs. The painful effort panicked him.

Losing a family member really sucked.

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 7 years ago

    Yes, Michael, I know this feeling. A very well conceived piece of writing.

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    Michael D. Brooks about 7 years ago

    Thanks, guys. Been away from Drablr for awhile.

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    Michael D. Brooks about 7 years ago

    Drew, I'm okay. Just balancing my writing life with real life.

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