mdbrooks41 avatar


As an adolescent, Walt befriended a nocturnal visitor who visited him in his sleep. The faceless female helped sooth the stresses of the day and submerged him into a deep subconscious bliss inevitably immersing him so deeply into sleep he could not rise through the heavy fog of unconsciousness. In the mornings, there would be evidence of her visits. In his later years, she still came to him in his deepest sleep. He still fought to awaken from the fog of his mind, but now the evidence of her visits was no longer manifest, but he knew she'd been there.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    At least he no longer had to change the sheets so often!

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    D.M. almost 8 years ago

    when the sleeping life is more fulfilling than the living... interesting drabble!

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 8 years ago

    Neville, saves on the cleaning bill.

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 8 years ago

    DM, thanks.

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