mdbrooks41 avatar


Mother said that, despite what people said about me, I was not ugly. But no matter where I went or who I was with, people would inevitably say something negative about me. I've always been open about who I am and what I am.

Through the years, I have witnessed all manner of vile and deceitful behavior, and I have also witnessed the flower of humanity, but through it all, I have remained steadfast in trying to get people to see things for what they really are, but some still call me ugly. Who am I? My name is Truth.

5 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thought-provoking, Michael. Good stuff. (Btw, is there a 'said' or equivalent missing in the intro sentence?)

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 8 years ago

    Aspen, you raise a very good question.

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 8 years ago

    Neville, good call. That's what I get for composing and posting when I was half asleep. Thanks.

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    Rachel Ball almost 8 years ago

    Well my brain wasn't ready to be stimulated after such a long day at work but, by george, you've sent it spiraling.

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 8 years ago

    Rachel, I hope it didn't spin too far out of control. Smile.

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