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Sometimes I just need someone to talk to. Someone who will put up with my foibles. Someone who will simply listen without judgement. Someone who simply understands. They get it. No, I'm not talking about my favorite or closest pet. Although, they do seem to listen and comprehend. But I'm talking about that one person who knows me sometimes better than I know myself. Is it one of my parents? One of my siblings? My bartender? My priest? No. None of them.

As long as I have known her, she's been there for me. Unfortunately, my wife doesn't get it.

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    Wives are quite territorial, Michael. Personally, I talk to someone who really understands me...myself, but that's probably a sign of something else! On the other hand, I am judgemental...I know myself too well!

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    Forgot to say, you had me unaware of the twist until the last line. Thanks, I enjoyed it.

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    Michael D. Brooks over 8 years ago

    Neville, after 30 years of marriage, my wife swears she knows me better than I know myself. At least she thinks she does. I'm still trying to figure myself out.

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    Michael D. Brooks over 8 years ago

    Aspen, thanks. I kind of like twisted endings. Uh, I mean endings with a twist.

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