mdbrooks41 avatar


The office was cold, musty, and lit by one very weak incandescent bulb. In a lonely corner sat an ancient looking man with a mangy black cat on his lap.

"Are you the fixer?" she inquired.

"I am," was the feeble reply.

"Are you sure you can make my problem disappear?"

"I can. Do you have the money?"

Myra handed over the thick manila envelope.

"It'll be done tonight."

"Good." She smiled.

"By the way, your problem paid me to make his problem go away and I always honor my agreements."

"Her shock was brief, and then she was gone."

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    A neat, efficiently written and delivered drabble. Nice twist.

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    Frenchie over 8 years ago

    Hahahahaha... in my vilainest dreams, it is something I would do... :-) Be a big baddie. Thank you for the smile..

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    Julie over 8 years ago

    Loved the twist at the end.

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    Jim M over 8 years ago

    The Fairy Godfather.. right? Great playful drabble, really like it

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    D.M. over 8 years ago

    clever! Perfect title!

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