mdbrooks41 avatar


He wasn't as young and he used to be, but he wasn't that old yet. His doctor told him that he was a pillar of health for a man his age.

"Humpf," he muttered to himself, as he puffed a labored breath. "A man of my age."

He knew his doctor was right, but he wasn't ready to admit it. He still had some fight left in him, and he wasn't about to give up now. Yes, he was older, but he was wiser. If he paced himself, he would get through it.

If only the snow blower hadn't died.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. over 8 years ago

    Yup, that's how heart attacks are made! Good one.

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    Frenchie over 8 years ago

    Nice one, I have enjoyed it.

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    Michael D. Brooks over 8 years ago


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