mdbrooks41 avatar


Chuck would have found the trip thrilling. But there was nothing thrilling about riding in an autonomous car. It was just so commonplace. Even the expression, "Going where the road takes me," lost its luster when roads were designed to configure themselves to literally take people to where they wanted to go.

Chuck thought it ironic he was now headed for a preserve for endangered species. His current status began with the development of "the Internet of things" and culminated with the birth of sentient technology. People were now classified obsolete and being shipped off to zoos around the world.

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    Benign obsolescence; at least they will be cared for in the zoos. A really thoughtful Drabble, Michael. Thanks.

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    D.M. almost 9 years ago

    Perfect title.

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    Olga Klezovitch almost 9 years ago

    Like it.

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    Julie almost 9 years ago

    Great title! Great drabble!

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 9 years ago

    Thanks for the support. The inspiration for this one was a radio ad.

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