mdbrooks41 avatar


Ike was like a kid in a candy store the day he retired. It was a day that couldn't come fast enough. No more rat race. No more fighting traffic and surly people with attitudes from hell. No more obnoxious coworkers, clients, and vendors.

He could now spend time doing the things he wanted. He could spend more time with the grandchildren and his wife, take those trips they always talked about, or just simply do nothing.

But the first thing he planned to do was sleep in late.

Then the alarm clock rang. Damn. The dream seemed so real.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    What a bummer; dreams suck! Nice one Michael.

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    Michael D. Brooks almost 9 years ago

    Thanks, everyone. It was a bummer after I woke up. Sigh.

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