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Red Harvest #2


The men fought ferociously, like piranhas in a fish tank.
The intruder fatally misjudged the situation. Calley was no soft touch; his love for Eileen stirred reflexes deeply buried; the primitive instinct for survival took over.
Overcoming initial shock, Calley grabbed the wrench under his seat, smashing his rival’s skull, blood spraying the windows, heavy metal rock drowning out the attacker’s screams, mimed by his contorted expressions to the soaring riffs.
Only then he realised it was Brannigan, hanging halfway out of the door, life draining fast from his devastated face in this vast expanse, no witness other than God.

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    Wow, this is really powerful. A great start to what I hope is a page turner.

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