mcbrevity avatar

Oh No #18


France is so mind bendingly frustrating - I wanted a simple breakfast in a small town on the Île-de-Re - a cup of coffee, a croissant or other viennoise, maybe a croque monsieur would do.
There were three tempting cafés 200 meters apart - none had the gumption to serve any food at all to accompany a coffee. Just met with an abrupt ‘non’ and Gallic shrugs to my requests. Maybe the boulangerie did coffee but ‘NON’ to that too. Never the twain shall meet. “Merde alors, stuff you” I muttered. “They need a good kick up the arse”. Quel dommage!

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    Stuff them!... but unfortunately not you. Quel fromage dur! I blame Brexit... and one of our mates!

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