mcbrevity avatar

On the Road Again #61


It came as a giant relief when free dancing took over in the 60’s from the ‘twist’ onwards; no rules, stepping on toes or tricky routines.
That’s why I adore Greek dancing where everyone comes together in a series of circles, hand-holding, leg slapping. Difficult to get entirely wrong.
We must have danced with virtually everyone in the wine fuelled gyrating crowd - except one. We couldn’t believe our eyes. Angry Angus, who’d dumped us in Belgium had joined the circle on the far side. Ominously he looked the worse for wear being dragged around by the dancers either side...

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Ah, the return of Angry Angus. Hope you blanked him or kicked him in the bollocks!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    No Drew, it's not! I asked myself the same question about Jeff's Boris, but the name alone made him hateworthy. And as for Angus... and if it wasn't for the 'g', he's be an arse :-)

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