mcbrevity avatar

On the Road Again #60


I’ve been through many phases in my love-hate relationship with dance. Watching the dance floor at Daphni jogged my thinking. In early years it was a cissy thing for boys; ballroom dancing classes in my teens with Sally Rose in the Methodist Hall destroyed my confidence - she was a sturdy farmer’s daughter, older than me, much taller and quite well developed if I remember correctly through my steamed up glasses. I had two right feet and my eyes were level with her ample 36 DD breasts. Leading her around the columns in the Hall was worse than avoiding dodgems.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    I have a vivid imagination Steve and I can picture the scene. For me it was a similar situation at the Gala Ballroom where shortly afterwards the Beatles played.

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    Steve McBrevity over 6 years ago

    No one played at the St Ives Methodist Hall.

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