mcbrevity avatar

On the Road Again #52


We returned to the taverna for breakfast after climbing to a semi-ruined Byzantine Church from where St Paul brought Christianity to Greece and admired the imposing remains of the Turkish Fort that commanded the Gorge.
The only way out apart from a 10 hour hike was by boat which we fixed over breakfast coffee and yoghurt.
After a bracing swim in the crystal blue Libyan sea we piled aboard an open fishing boat that smelt of sardines, two locals, the owner and a goat that lay bound hand and foot in the well of the craft under our feet.

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    I don’t fancy the goat’s chances! This is a fantastic continuing tale Steve.

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    Steve McBrevity over 6 years ago

    Oh zut ... you didn’t get the scent of the accidental bêtise.

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