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On the Road Again #41


Zorba the Greek, the film based on a novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, starring Anthony Quinn and Alan Bates dancing the sirtaki had initiated my infatuation with Greece and it had been filmed on the Akrotiri peninsula just outside Chania. Too convenient to miss we found our way to Zorba’s house on the bay, bought some beers, cooked kebabs on a driftwood fire and danced and danced until sunset.
I’ve ignored Zorba’s famous warning against marriage:
‘I’m a man so I married. Wife, children, house, everything. The full catastrophe’.
Allegra’s my inalienable Aphrodite - house, children yes but never the full catastrophe.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Aaah! That’s so good to hear. I’m sure Allegra knows it. Good call... who’s that Zorba geezer anyway?

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