mcbrevity avatar


Not any old lazy winter Sunday today. Tea brewing in the pot, toast in the toaster, scintillating weather, sun glinting on the water... ‘what does the day hold for me?’ I asked myself.
No sooner said than a tap on the door only to reveal the most beautiful creature, pre-Raphaelite curling tresses, shades of Sophia Loren.
She’s an Italian maiden in distress from Abruzzo on a Dutch barge that’s run out of water and is looking for a knight in armour to fill her tank.
As a perfect English gentleman I rose to the occasion counting my good fortune.

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    What a gent!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    ...meanwhile, further down the same river, with the same sun shining down on me, there was no-one in shining or even rusty armour to come to my rescue walking across Kingston Bridge with my ears like ice blocks. I didn’t need water. I needed ear muffs.

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