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On the Road Again 24#


Fortunes ebbed and flowed as we proceeded South towards Brindisi. Thumbing is a fickle occupation, a morning’s wait under a fig tree and no bite, next a screech of brakes, an effusive local, free lunch and a bed for the night.
Autostop is vietato on the Autostrada Adriatica - anyhow you miss the essence of Italy that way. With much traffic taking the old coast road to avoid the tolls, we decided to take the slow road to Rimini.
A beaten up truck laden with peaches ground to a halt. The driver, smouldering Internazionale hanging from his lip, signalled us in...

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Brilliant stuff. Me and Mrs H reckon that from what you’ve told us over the years, you must have lots of material for more ‘road trips’. 🙂

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