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On the Road Again #12


In the event as it was getting dark we were allowed on board by the shell shocked group until we found a camping spot just short of Brussels from which we slunk away first thing in the morning to try our luck with our thumbs. It was getting too unpleasant, verging on dangerous, to hang around any further. Most people pass through Belgium without touching the ground but in our case, forced back on our feet, Angus had gained the upper hand so, putting this set back behind us, we headed towards the Rhine trying to forget all about it.

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Had you said something to that anus Angus? Had words or something?

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    Anus Angus. Sounds like a Scottish wrestler!

    (Loving this series, Steve.)

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