mcbrevity avatar

On the Road Again #6


Two salmon’ I requested.
‘Rock?’ came the reply. Sounded cool and he looked like Elvis Presley with big sideburns, a quiff and a sneer. Being a fan I said ‘Yes.’
It was disgusting - dogfish in the Mirror - prime slime that brings up the bile even at the mere thought today.
We hadn’t intended to cheat but had to escape this well-meaning dystopia. A red double decker staged a rescue and put us on the Old Kent Road.
A succession of kind old ladies, one in a Morris 1000 with an amorous poodle in the back, saw us to Dover.

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    This is fast becoming a real road trip! Lovely imagery, but you were with a lovely young woman so I guess it was fabulous at the time. 😋

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    Is this a true story? If it is it's very interesting that the category is Crime, Murder & Mystery. Makes it downright scary!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    I suspect it is a true story Christopher. I’m sure Steve pointed out the secondhand clothes-shop-come-bar when we had a jaunt to Calais last September. I know he’s had loads of eventful trips abroad, living on the edge, which hopefully will turn up as drabbles.

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