mcbrevity avatar


Our minds are interwired, incapable of independent action. They are meshed in a telepathic embrace evolved over decades of living and breathing together, inhabiting the same space.
Our bond is a marvel of nature cemented by deep instincts quite difficult to explain. Call it β€˜love’ but love is multifaceted, composed of so many strands, that it’s dishonest to highlight any one aspect. Love builds in a magical way, like a young wine, exuberant and full of promise, maturing as it mellows transforming into a uniquely special complete relationship. And then one day, alas it’s all over. What an awful waste!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Wow, what a deep piece. I believe in love too, but I can't really regard it as a waste, but more a state of enlightenment that makes life worth living in the first place.

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