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Two French deputies had an unseemly shouting match via their headphones in the European Parliament to the consternation of the assembly. The translators tackled words rarely used in civil society.
Another French MEP, attempting to protect the honour of France, made a moderating intervention:
"Messieurs , nous avons besoin de la sagesse normande". (An old French expression recognising someone's common sense)
The English translation fired back: "What we need is Norman Wisdom".
Every British MEP, for no apparent reason burst out laughing to the bewilderment of the French.
That's how the blundering comedian of the 1960's had his last laugh!

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 7 years ago

    I love this as I know this is a true story...and I'm a Norman Wisdom fan!😂

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    Neville Hunt almost 7 years ago

    Impressed by the title visuals Steve. A nice touch.

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