mbrookes avatar


Ah fear my old friend. It is so good to see you after so many years apart. We enjoyed such wondrous times you and I amidst the squalor of London’s streets. I sensed your presence beside me in the quickened pulse jetting from their beautifully slender necks. Together we dined on the rarest and most delightful of screams.

But your arrival at this time disturbs me. Why cast your fell shadow upon me on today of all days? You traitorous fiend! We were allies once and now you cloud my passing with dread of what will follow my dying breath.

6 comments add one below

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    Michael Brookes almost 10 years ago


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    Michael D. Brooks almost 10 years ago

    Okay. I gotta know. What happened between paragraph one and paragraph two? Such a sudden turn of events. Will I ever know? I guess my imagination will have to figure that one out.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Very well done, Michael.

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    Michael Brookes almost 10 years ago

    He's on his deathbed and is suspicious as to why fear returns to him now.

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    Matthew Milam almost 10 years ago

    Death is a friend?

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    Johnny Wishbone over 9 years ago

    Oh, that's good. I'm going to have to up my game. Damn.

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