mbrookes avatar


I learned at a young age that to blend in with herd provides greater advantage than standing out. Before my balls dropped it became obvious to me that attracting attention would hamper my destined purpose.

The trick is to be like them, to wear the same masks they do. They don't realise they're wearing masks, but that only makes the deception easier.

Whatever I do I wear the appropriate mask. I once thought the mask for work was the hardest to maintain, now I know it is the one for my wife.

No matter, she'll soon see me without it.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    My favourite of all. :-) chilling.

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    Melanie Jewell over 10 years ago

    I'm glad I'm not his wife!

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    Bryan Thomas over 10 years ago

    Nice one, Michael!

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    Rick Haynes over 10 years ago

    Lurking menace. Nice one!

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