mbrookes avatar


This is going to be the best movie ever! So I'm underage, but that's ok, the old lady at the counter doesn't care. It's going to be freaking awesome. I can't wait to tell everyone that I've seen it.

I pick the best spot. There's nobody here, which is cool. It's quiet, so I can watch the movie undisturbed. It's odd how quiet it is. And there's a funny smell.

Who's that standing by the exit?

No freaking way!

It's a real mutant zombie ninja death clown. I can't tell if it's from outer space.

Hey, it's moving this way.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Ricky Moore over 10 years ago

    You wouldn't want to bump into one of those mutant zombie ninja death clowns in a dark alley!

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    Bryan Thomas over 10 years ago

    Nice one, Michael!

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