mbrookes avatar


Impossible geometries fold the stark reality around me. The obsidian walls are sleek with an oozing luminescence that swallows me in their dread glow. The carved symbols hurt my eyes when I look at them. Octopod obscenities stalk me, I hear their slavered moans.

I pray for to a God far younger than this dark temple. A terrible entity from a plane far removed from our fragile cosmos bends its gaze upon me.

In shivering terror I lurch into the morning light.

The Great Cthulhu takes a dim view of calamari; I shall remove it from the menu at once.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Tony Spencer almost 11 years ago

    Wonderful stuff. Not often that one feels sympathy for a suitably penguin-suited matre'd, but this time I can feel his grief.

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    Chris Walker almost 11 years ago

    That's hilarious - good one :-)

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    Michael Brookes almost 11 years ago

    Thanks :-)

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