mbrookes avatar


Lying on my bed and see my room full of clowns. Happy clowns, sad clowns, laughing clowns, even a tall gaunt clown with spindly legs. My mummy thinks I like them and keeps buying me more. I wish I could tell her how much they frighten me. Everywhere I look, I see another clown's face.

One hundred different clowns, none of them the same. I say my prayers with mummy then count them before I sleep. Snuggled in my duvet I count them once again. This time the number comes up one short and there's a rustle under the bed.

7 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Rufus Glyn almost 11 years ago

    wow another dark one there...

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    Ian Phillips almost 11 years ago


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    Chris Walker almost 11 years ago

    Like it :-)

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    Jonathan Hill almost 11 years ago

    I know this is one of your favourites, Michael. I think it's one of mine too! :)

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    Michael Brookes almost 11 years ago

    Indeed, I might have to turn it into a longer piece for my next short story collection.

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    John Harper over 10 years ago

    god that gave me a shiver.

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    Michael Brookes about 10 years ago


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