mattygroves avatar


Has it been five years? She hadn’t felt the time pass. It was but a dream – one day simply follows another. Trains come and go – are caught and missed. Children are born and grow up – Kate missed all that, caught up in a dream of daily life - in a waking sleep, aware yet unaware of life passing her by.

Who knew that last year would bring pandemic death yet life in a baby granddaughter? Who knew this year would bring an endless groundhog day? Who knew that 1,878 days would pass between her last missive and this?

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    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    Welcome back Kate. Congratulations on the granddaughter (we had a new one too almost exactly a year ago). Sad news on your loss too; the fact that you are not alone in that is by no way any consolation. Times are very tough and yet, despite a marked reduction in output, Drablr remains a rare joy for me. Please keep drabbling and posting.🤞

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