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Oof! “Pardon me,” Anthony briefly looked up from his smartphone as he careened into Charles.

“Watch where you’re going, moron!” Anthony could hear the tinny music coming from the other man’s earbuds.

“Cretin,” growled Anthony, glancing up from the sext Kandy had just sent.

“Did you say something?! You gotta problem?” shouted Charles.

“You halfwit!”

Passersby didn’t see Anthony throw the first punch. Things escalated quickly. Mandy, jostled by the fighting kicked out - her music was less thumpy but just as loud. Duncan shot first; he’d been replying to an email. The street was littered with devices, earphones and blood.

2 comments add one below

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    Melanie Jewell over 9 years ago

    I think that happened at Richmond station just the other day...

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    Good one!

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