mattygroves avatar


Visiting Grandma and Pop-Pop should be fun - it was, apart from the white apparition stalking Sarah. It’s bigger than her five-year-old frame and she hears it following behind. When she turns, she sees a big, white ragmop lying on the floor.

Sarah shakes herself and wanders around the house. Pop-Pop always has treats – strawberries and sweets. Yet still, Scary White is behind her. When she turns, it’s motionless.

Curiosity overcomes dread. She whirls. The apparition stops. Carefully she approaches – a black nose sniffs at her. From the mop comes a small ‘woof’. Fear overcome.

2 comments add one below

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    Kate Gowers almost 10 years ago

    This is the true story of my daughter (many years ago) and my parents' dog (Ziggy) - a Komondor (look it up - they really do look like mops). He single pawedly cured Sarah of her fear of dogs. Inspired by Jane's (@wittyjane96) tale "Change is Scary" - thanks Jane!

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    Melanie Jewell almost 10 years ago

    It's probably rather be confused with a mop than a toilet brush...

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